Mobile phones 'unlikely' to cause cancer
Mounting evidence suggests there is no link between mobile phones
and brain cancer, according to a review by the Institute of Cancer
Research.It stated that despite near universal mobile phone use, there
had been no jump in the number of tumours.Its report, in Environmental
Health Perspectives,Passport cover, multiple wallets, organizer with ID
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many studies investigating a link.
A few weeks ago the World Health Organization said mobiles were
"possibly carcinogenic".The decision by the WHO's International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC) put mobile phones in the same category as
coffee, in which a link could not be ruled out,The ymbol in the actual
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was Interphone, a comparison of 2,708 patients with a brain tumour
(glioma) with a similar number of people without.
The study concluded that mobile phone users were less likely to get
brain tumours, but heavy users had an increased risk.Professor Anthony
Swerdlow, from the Institute of Cancer Research, said there was a risk
of bias when patients with brain tumours answered questionnaires about
their phone use.Ten patients in the study said they were on the phone
for more than 12 hours per day.He added that in the space of 20 years,
mobile phone use had gone from being rare to 4.6 billion users
Yet evidence from many Western countries showed "no indication of
increases in brain tumour incidence".Professor Swerdlow said: "The
trend in the accumulating evidence is increasingly against the
hypothesis that mobile phone use can cause brain tumours in
adults."Studies have looked at a link associated with 10 to 15 years of
mobile phone use and it remains a possibility that longer exposure
could cause cancer. However, Professor Swerdlow argues that if studies
looking at longer exposure produce similar results, then a link will
become "increasingly implausible".
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